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Welcome to our New Site

Featuring the Living Art Gallery


Author of Covenant Connections

Artist Featured in The Living Art Gallery


Introducing the Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant Box

Do you or a loved one suffer each day from depression? From anger that you can't even explain? We can help you! We can help Without potentially harmful

  • prescription drugs 

  • costly therapy

  • in or outpatient treatment

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that make

you feel?

I'm a

drug addict

I'm a


I'm just

really gay

I love

you guys

lets party

I'm a



The Covenant Personal Assistant Box has been an ongoing project created by the artist of the Living Art Gallery Ena. She has spent most of her adolescent and adult life either suffering through mental illness, recovering from mental illness or helping other navigate their way through it.

She knows what had helped her from day to day. She knows what did not help as well but she wanted to know why one type of treatment would work and why others would fail. She went on a personal mission of self exploration of the mind and body. She also started research on general human behavior, how your friends and family along with the medical professionals and the government all play a very large role in the state of one's mental illness. 

As of today the research is an ongoing process. Not because there are uncertainties in the decisions made in light of the existing research but because during this endeavor she came across information that most of us have never seen or taken seriously if we had seen it. I will keep this brief and supply links to other areas of this site and some external links if this interests you.


1st thing was good news. Ena had suffered a terrible personal loss and didn't know how to pull out of the depression and anger and her lack of interest in things she use to love to do. Then she started painting. Soon after that she learned of the Paint Pouring method. Her pain started to go away. She didn't know why... the precise action that took her pain away. At the same time her attention began to prioritize socializing and taking a more active role in the lives of her loved ones. How did this happen? It all started and ended in the mind of this young woman, which could be good news for you if you or a family member are suffering with any of the The conditions we list below.



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here is a depiction of our brain's 2 sides busy at work in their own ways. Under normal operation the Left side will filter your "raw" requests and ask the Right side to preform tasks once a list of safety precautions are met.

This is why most people can not spontaneously jump off of a bridge just by passing the thought inward. Once the creative process has begun (top Right) and we have successful distracted our Left side we can begin to introduce healthy suggestions directly to the Right side (which there is no guarantee and it takes practice) and then use constant positive reinforcement to solidify the new idea introduced during that initial creation period.

During the creative process new information enters the brain and can cause the Left side to prioritize analyzing the newly created information over the checks and balancing protocol it normally enforces. This can allow unchecked information to reach the Right side of the mind at which time it can lay a foundation of data that the left side can associate with in the future. This process can help one change a bad behavior or habit but be warned there is a reason that the Right side is protected from direct influence from the owner. If positive reinforcement is not implemented the new healthy idea can be seen as bad and disregarded and fought against in the future


this great illustration of the brain shows what we have believed in for a long time (left) and what could happen during a creative process (right)  


People used to believe that the two sides of the brain were specialized for different activities: the logical left and creative right hemispheres. Retrieved from:

When you or a loved one starts to get those familiar feelings that come right before a potential "bad event" takes place we would encourage you to open the Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant box and allow everything that is inside to do what it is designed to do... get you through that moment. Replace a "bad event" with a peaceful and creative "good event"


These one of a kind boxes are designed to help people (or their loved ones) that could be struggling with one or several of a great number of mental health issues. Issues like depression, social anxiety, feelings of separation, fear, anger, rage, hopelessness and addiction.  Everything inside the Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant box has been carefully researched and chosen specifically for what you are going through. Along with the Art Supplies there is a small guide on how to use the Personal Assistant box. It is a funny name but a fitting one

We have a Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant Box for each of topics

  • depression

  • social anxiety / fear based behavior

  • anger

  • hopelessness/ disconnected

  • addiction


  • PTSS / overwhelming sense of loss

  • Bi-polar Disorder

  • self harm

Click HERE for a more detailed account of what you get and what we supply along with some tips on exactly when to use the content inside the box

** please note that we are NOT doctors and we do not claim that our advice, our website or our products should be used

as a replacement for any kind of medical treatment. Our expertise comes from a different perspective. Our team has gone through each and every one of the conditions listed above either as a patient or as the brother, sister or parent of a patient. 

We also like to focus on what has been labeled as a "new age" perspective which is the understanding of energy and the way we perceive and interact with it and the natural laws of the world (laws of attraction with a focus of vibration of energy) and the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind.

Read our DISCLAIMER for more info... in short- we are not doctors, info on this site is our opinion. We can not guarantee the same results for everyone that uses our products and/or services. The "Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant" is a product of the Non-Prophet organization AreYouReadyForItArtByENA an organization committed to helping people with challenging mental conditions or living conditions by providing tools and support to help the improve their self image and self awareness and live a more fulfilling life.

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Every "Personal Assistant" Box comes with some standard pieces as well as some unique to the specific ailment that it was designed to "Assist" with. Each come with

  • (1) small wooden Easel ​

  • (2) Canvas (either 8"x10" or 10"x12" depending on package and/ or availability)

  • (1) pack of disposable mixing/ pouring cups

  • (1) pack of wooden stirrers

  • (1) Pack of disposable gloves

  • (1) protective floor covering or disposable tin foil baking pan (not shown)

  • (1) bottle of Acrylic paint conditioner

The following pieces are also included in each Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant boxes but the colors, quantity, and subject matter will differ from box to box. 

  • Acrylic Paint, either 4 or 6 different colors. (Colors mean everything in mental stability and most don't even know it)

  • (3) piece Acrylic paint brush set OR (10) piece set this will also depend on box

  • Easy to follow step by step instructions on how to use the BOX and how to use the paint kit. (these are two completely different set of instructions... One explains When to use the Personal Assistant box and the other is How to use it)

  • Every box includes Digital Assets as well. You will get links to an assortment of messages, stories and interactive content... all there just in case you think you need a little extra help making it through the day.

  • remember to click the YES button either before you leave the site or leave the store and you will receive a free membership to the Living Art Gallery which will also give you access to the Covenant Connection Blog containing spiritually uplifting content from the Artist Ena of the Living Art Gallery.

  • Any follow up orders will automatically receive a secondary set of instructions outlining a different style of Acrylic Paint Pouring (Ena is currently using 4 very different applications during the creation process. Look at the 4 examples above to see the contrast)


Due to the ongoing Covid19 Pandemic we have a temporary hold on this item. We will have this product available as soon as we can. Our goal is MARCH 1st 2021. We have disabled the purchase links and replaced them with backorder tickets. If you want to be 1st in line when we resume production just click on the CCPA Box that you want and fill in the card with your info. We will contact you to reconfirm your order at which time we will accept payment  information. We will also apply a 20% discount on every ticket we have in hand on the day that this program is reinstated. We hope you understand and really know in your heart that we are working hard to get the CCPA box back in the hands of those who need it most! Thank you ALL for the kind words on the order tickets!!

We currently have 9 different boxes to choose from, each with a complete startup kit, Basic Pouring instructions, 1 (of 4) advanced pouring instructions and much more.


We have a CCPA Box for each of topics

  1. depression / manic behavior                                                                  

  2. social anxiety / fear based behavior

  3. Anger/ Rage / Low Self Esteem

  4. hopelessness/ disconnected

  5. Compulsive Disorder

  6. ADD/ ADHD

  7. PTSD / overwhelming sense of loss

  8. self harm

  9. substances abuse

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