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Bad Little Bunny

Bad Little Bunny

Hello , thank you for taking a moment to come and see what I have been racking my brain over for months now. I'm the Editor of this site, you can call me MJ. My company EZEstreetENTERPRISES runs this site along with Ena from ArtByENA. She calls me EZE so MJ or EZE works for me.


As we were building this site and I was loading the digital copies of ENA's work onto the site I noticed something very troubling. This being said I had already been aware of the faces, full figures, creatures that were a reoccurring phenomena on all of her "pour only" pieces and had been researching what could be happening for these (what we ended up calling) "entities" to consistantly appear in her paintings without her physically drawing them in. At first I thought it was my perception, my feelings, my perspective that would transform random shapes and colors into what I was seeing. Now I think all of my preliminary ideas were wrong and I have a theory on what's going on... and I will explain in a moment. The Bunny on the other hand he kind of freaks me out. Like the other "entities" this bunny entity also seems to manifest himself into the paintings. The odd thing is the he is in EVERY one of them in either a undeniable directly identifiable manner or sometimes in a little more of an abstract manner but there none the less. I have screened a few of her paintings in different colors to expose some of the harder to see entities. There is an open chat forum below please feel free to look at this oddity yourself and make some logic out of it.  


(below) these few sets of images (which by the way I have outlined and cut out to magnify what can be seen although Ena does NONE of that. She does not draw on the paintings to get these entities to stand out except on occasion and on those occasions ***like the "Ancient Metropolis" painting*** her secondary efforts of outlining the shaped are obvious and not an attempt to trick anyone. Each time you read that there "was no additional work done or brushstrokes used" that means I have specifically asked her about that painting and will back up her answer as truth with 100% confidence.) you can see the the bunny among many others.  

Finding the Bunny (part 1)

network of evil
carrying excess baggage.JPG
cosmic energy
Self Awareness
The Cow's Epiphany
Cosmic Gathering
In the Absence of GOD
the Birth of a Bunny
The Nursery Nebula
The InBetween

These are all very abstract visions of our bunny. We think of him as an explorer that is is experiencing all of these worlds that have been painted so there are different expressions and configurations of the entity. Many of these examples you need to look at for a minute before he you find him. Most of these cuts from Ena's paintings were used because we could see multiple versions of the bunny in a small area on the painting... all of which were just poured paint.

entering the Portal

The Faces of HADES

Faces of Hades The Living Art Gallery

The Faces of Hades was the first painting that I took a magnifying glass too and actually studied the entire piece. There is no right or wrong way to view it... all 4 directions have well defined figures, creatures etc. but portrait either direction is where I tend to keep it.

Into the Rabbit Hole.jpg

Into the Rabbit Hole- In this illusion of seclusion... depiction of the underworld there is only 1 way out... through the head of the Bunny.

Faces of Hades The Living Art Gallery
Faces of Hades The Living Art Gallery

changing positions and removing colors allows us to see even more inside this remarkable piece. It may be too busy for some people but take a magnifying glass to this one and you will not be disappointed.

Take a look at the helmet that goes over nose and looks like the eyebrows are pultruding from the helmet. We see this same helmet in a number of paintings


Faces of Hades The Living Art Gallery

The Editors Theory

The Editors Theory

A small back story before I jump into this. I am no scientist so I do not bring that kind of scholastic background to the table in this theory. I'm not a hard core left or right religious person in fact I spent most of my adult life as an agnostic minded person. I thought about how stories were passed down orally for so long, how the church had possibly tampered with the content of the religion I have been most exposed to, which is Christianity. I thought about how Darwin's Theory of Evolution was a much cleaner concept for me to associate myself with and after all I wasn't aware of the scientific community overflowing with die hard Christian enthusiasts. Their most common perspective included the measuring of the Big Bang, measuring of the age of the universe and measuring how all things interact with one another.

Without any real scoliotic background is also a fickle statement these days as well. Like most people my age I have had many many years to sit down and watch the good old Discovery Channel (*back in the day) and now a Google search can instantly bring me more collective knowledge than I could possibly try to watch and understand in my lifetime. At 20 I didn't have the mind for schooling but at forty I was obsessed with it. So I started to watch what In found interesting. Space, Ancient history, Quantum Mechanics, theoretical quantum mechanics were some of my favorites. Other even more complex subjects were also on and off my plate. Subjects like String Theory, the Multiverse, the dimensions of the world started to interest me as well but it was not as profound as other topics. For example my 1st theory was that ghosts may be real and we are physically seeing someone or something from another time or place that was quantumly entangled with the space they were reported to be seen... again not a scientist so there is no testing or experiments going on over here just a lot of maybes. 





















I figured you should know that much about me before I unload this onto you. Next was when a man on the internet changed my core values almost overnight. In a world full of scammers this guy seemed to break down any doubts I may have erected between his words and my brain . His name is Bob and he talks about the Laws of the world. The law of Vibration, The Law of Attraction etc... I'm sure you have at least heard of them. In short everything in the physical world that is restricted by time and space is energy that is in a constant state of vibration. He talks a lot about the brain and how it works and honestly I was coming up a little short on my personal back log of knowledge about the brain so off I went on another dive into the internet to see what I could find. My big breakthrough came when I was called into the living room and my wife said "watch this ... it's what your looking for" so I did.

The program was a guy on Youtube reading a document. That was it. Let me just add this before I go on... if you think our government (talking about USA) is full of a bunch of dumb rich men that can't get anything right you need to see how the CIA conducts an investigation. This man was in the Army and in 1983 submitted what he was tasked to do which was become educated and then report in detail about the human mind and more specifically can we meditate, create "out of body" experiences and then interact with the outside world while in this state of mind. So in 1983 I'm just going to take a shot in the dark here... we wanted to spy on Russia and the CIA heard about "remote viewing" 


For the next 2 hours I listened to this man read verbatim off of this now unclassified document. The man who created the report must have the intellectual capacity of 50 men because this was the most thorough, inclusive narrative that I had ever heard. He never reported his opinion until the very end where he stated "I think moving forward we should..." So to report all facts he traveled and talked directly to the scientists that were developing and testing this method that was used to educe the subjects brain wave vibrations to be in perfect harmony with the Earths vibration. Then they would somehow get their brain's left and right hemisphere to sync up and produce an equal flow of energy from each side, which I guess is not normal... then these subjects were able to take their conscious mind outside the construct of their physical body and experience the physical world and more. This was tested by the way. They would have to read cards in a different room and a number of other repeatable tests. BTW I will tie all of this together in a second, I know it's a long winded explanation but this is a complex subject.  

Animal Instincts and a Bunny

After we noticed the Bunny showing up in all of the paintings we wanted to go back and see when he first arrived. This is one of ENA's 1st paintings and we noticed a bunny but not the bipedal sinister one that we see now... but wait a minute. The cute little bunny here seems like he's fighting with all the other animals and if you look on his head he's wearing the helmet thing. I have the head in grey and the green circle is on the helmet

Animal Instincts and a Bunny
The Gateway Construction
To Shed Our Skin
Highway of Spirits

Here are more bunny pictures most with his little helmet. 

There are SOO many more and they are all on the poured art that was never touched up with a brush

Eviction from the Living World
the Bunny's Dimensional Door

Here is the painting we called "The Bunny's Dimensional Door" implying that the "bunny" is a highly intelligent life form that is involved with (in a good or bad way we are still on the fence about) the development of higher life forms using interdimensional travel to slip in and out of time and space... all fiction by the way... for now

In the report a term was used and then dismantled by the one reporting. This is how critical thinking and a rational mind can prove to be so powerful. Someone described the Big Bang as an ancient explosion that created all the matter in the known universe within a split second and it is headed out in all directions towards infinity. Here was the problem with that statement. Infinity is everywhere simultaneously. It can not be here and not there. It can not be headed towards infinity because infinity is already everywhere. Infinity can not exist in our known dimension because time is not a relative concept to the endless. Gravity can not move something that is in the state of infinity because it is everywhere at the same time. Infinity was described as energy that is in a perpetual state of rest. For anyone interested in the research done by the CIA outline in a report from 1983 click on CIA REPORT  for full access.


Just to summarize and tie this all together the report was  on what is called the Gateway Process developed at the Monroe Institute where they use (among many other methods)  the Hemi-Sync process to allow advanced students to strengthen their brain waves to such an advanced state that the students were able to leave their physical bodies with their conciseness and not only experience the Earth from this heightened state of mind but leave the dimension that we live in all together. Once they left our dimension they were able to come to a realization that in this other dimension there was a presence of this infinity energy that they referred to as the Absolute. I believe this is when the information was passed to these students that had crossed over ( I know it sound like sci-fi... this gets even crazier) about what was called the universal hologram. If you want to know more about the Universal Hologram click on the CIA REPORT... it would take me 10 pages to explain and I would probably find a way to confuse everyone that is interested. There is a relationship that most of us don't know much about, a relationship of how all things are constructed. Our bodies are made up of cells. The number of cells in our body is really not comprehendible...  by me at least. Within our cells are atoms. If I remember correctly there are about 100 trillion atoms in a single cell.  Atoms are made up of tiny particles. The center of the cell has a Nucleus made up of a great number of Protons and Neutrons (we will compare to our Sun) Electrons orbit the Nucleus  (we will compare them to our planets orbiting our Sun) what most don't realize is the distance that these trillions of atoms that make up a single cell rest from one another. A fair comparison would be if we were small enough to live on an electron (so were are so small the electron in earth sized to us) and we decided to get in our Nasa Challenger type of rocket it would take us a similar amount of time to get to the nearest neighboring Atom as it would for use to travel from the real sized Earth to Alpha-Centaury. So our Atoms, the Nucleus as the Sun and Electrons as the planets mimic not only a similar pattern of movement but also mimic the distance between the Atoms in relation to our Star the Sun and it's neighboring stars in some cases. The Milky Way Galaxy is made up of trillions of stars much like a cell is made up of trillions of Atoms and I'm taking a shot in the dark here but everything to this point suggests that there will be a similar amount of cells in our bodies as there are Galaxies in the Universe. Everything from the particles within an Atom up to the entire Universe itself seems to be constructed by the same universal code.


Our bodies being part of this massive and diverse ecosystem has been programed to decipher this universal code within the complex human mind. Our mind is for the most part incredibly underutilized as a whole. It is capable of reconstructing anything that our senses can detect as well as create events about the future in your mind. We can picture these events in our mind and if we get strongly attached to what our mind is showing us (and if we understand ourselves well enough to control these visions of the future) then we have the capability to back the vision up from the future (the reverse button if you will) all the way back to the present we can make an account of all of the steps we took to get to the vision of the future and use that as a guide, as a pathway to follow in real time and space until your vision of the future becomes attainable. BTW if you don't already know this process that your mind carries out for you quite often is called your Imagination. The gentleman Bob I mentioned earlier calls Imagination part of your "Higher Faculties" Your mind is also busy creating an advanced warning system that is constantly creating 1000s of scenarios for you to review. These scenarios are constructed based on information that you pass to your mind whether you know it or not, then cross referenced with all of your past experiences followed by your mind carefully exposing you to the outcomes of all of the possibilities. We will get a good or bad feeling about someone or something and may decide to take action based on these feelings that we call Intuition. Also part of our higher Faculties. Alas we are here at my theory..


Based on everything that my research, inquiries and some blind luck has accumulated for me... After a much better understanding about how powerful our minds are and how without having to learn anything (from my conscious efforts of self education) my mind could look at vibrating energy, break the vision of the energy down into a comprehensible code that will be accessed from within my mind as it reconstructs  the vibrating energy into storable and accessible information we call memories. I know that everything in the known universe is moving, vibrating which puts out a frequency of energy. I understand that when this vibrating energy moves a second (physically traveling through the universe from one location to another) way and then collides with energy that is not in this second state of movement (therefor it is stationary) the collision event and/ or the parties involved in the collision is somehow recorded into the elements that collided or into the very fabric of time and space itself and can be viewed by our minds if we use the correct detection devices. If the event is exposed it can be viewed as a hologram also known as a Universal Hologram (more accurately an tiny fragment of the Universal Hologram) These are all fairly new concepts but there has been proof of the existence of the universal Hologram although to the extent of the evidence I have yet to have the time to explore like I intend on doing in the near future.


My question to answer was .. How are images that were not intended, not Planned or prepared for and not physically drawn or painted finding their way into all of Ena's artwork. At first I thought it was just my perception of the art and because there was so solid recognizable objects in parts of the paintings that my mind was simply adding what it thought I wanted to see. But... that's off the table. I thought due to her belief system and watching her life as a Christian change so many people around her, I thought that perhaps God had influenced her in a way she did not know or understand. After all she has mixed her paint time and prayer/ praise time together for a while now. Being fairly new to Christianity myself, and still trying to maintain an objective perspective on concepts like prayers, direct communication, direct influences or direct interventions from God to a Human is still way out of my wheelhouse of understanding .


But... this concept has taken hold of me. The universe is not incomplete.(and yes I know that new stars are still being created, what I mean is that the process of creation does not need a return visit from the Creator to survive) We are not waiting on the final shipment of creation to finish up down here on Earth. Everything is how it should be. Our bodies, our environment the Earth, solar system and Universe are all already equipt with all the hardware and software needed to understand all things. I think we as a whole had no idea how well equipt we really are. We are constantly evolving... evolution is part of the creation process but this process was set into motion long ago and will continue on without intervention from the one who started it. We did not know how complex the universe is and what our minds do to process the vast amount of information in front of us. It's remarkable to say the least.  


Does everything with mass store information about itself and its surroundings at the atomic level?


I strongly believe that at least 2 of these elements take place every time Ena paints and the 3rd and 4th element is simply speculation of a possibility due to the underlying fact that this is all more a mystery than a discovery. 

Main theory in part is based on another theory I have. I believe every action, memory, thought and feeling that I have ever had is stored in meticulous detail within my DNA. One day when our technology catches up with our imaginations we will crack that code and know for sure. That being said, my Mother, Father, their 4 parents and so on will have their detailed records within my DNA. I will have stored within these records everything my Father did up until the day the sperm that made me left his body thus ending the connection with his DNA. This linkage will go back from my parents to theirs and their grandparents, greats and on and on all the way back to the beginning of the race of Humans. Just a theory but it seems to me like the more of the smaller parts of the universe that we discover within the quantum world the more evidence we find about how complex every living thing is when you start breaking it down to the particles.


Finally the Editors Theory is that an accurate record of all things that has ever transpired within the confines of the known universe has been recorded in a way still to complex for the Human mind to definitively see. This information may be imprinted in areas so small that we don't know it even exists yet. Kind of like the vast space between each atom that makes up a cell.  The sequence of actions that transpire before and during a painting consists of

  1.  talking about what she is going to paint (many times she is trying to create something fairly new to her so discussing it first helps)

  2.  transforming her art studio into a representation of the painting (sometimes candles and  incents other times she will play Christian music and other times heavy metal all of this while she sets the canvas, paint and tools up.

  3. prayer/ meditation (this can take a few minutes or a few hours for her to "get right to paint")

  4. plays the mind sync music (sometimes during the meditation time sometimes it starts when she starts to paint) 

  5. (this may sound odd) talks to God, praise and worship, talks in toungues... sometimes she will talk to the paint. It's hard to know she is usually not speaking English when this happens.

  6.  starts painting. The pre-painting routine must be weighed into the equation as a possible factor of the unusual outcome. Then the act of Ena pouring the paint onto the canvas creates the need for the activation of the universal record button which this recording took place onto the canvas that was the still energy when the poured paint struck it acting as the moving energy. This factor (the moving colliding with the still) seem like solid parts of the equation. The problem is that in the equation the end result of the collision should be a hologram that would need a specific activating element to manifest itself like the laser in the pebbles and frozen water example. The other possible factors I will conclude this theory with... so just to clarify in my theory information that was imbedded either within the actual fabric of the universe, possible traveling within what we hypothesize to exist called Dark Matter and then transferring the information to the Earth through it's powerful broadcast of energy out into the solar system... lots of unknown for a theory. To keep things interesting if information is being pulled from the universe onto her canvas that would mean that the entities found on her paintings are not fictitious anomalies but real living people and creatures either from somewhere else in the universe or some time else. We have seen Angels, Demons, animals of earth, creatures from the unknown, dinosaurs possibly in animal and intelligent forms and of course the bunny... a monovalent looking version of what we would call a rabbit but also in a bipedal lifeform. He or it is in every painting which adds another layer of unanswered questions to this topic. 


The final two pieces of this theory is the location from which the information has reached the canvas from. The omnipresent existence of the energy in the infinity status dwelling outside of our known universe but identified and presented as a fact within the 1983 CIA report is playing a significant role in my understanding of the potential possibilities. Is it possible that our universe was created with such foresight that embedded within the universe itself there were mechanisms put into place that would use other dimensions to rely large amounts of information from distant corners of the universe an speeds that make the speed of light look as if it is standing still in comparison? The Quantum world has entangled particles that interact with one another instantly despite possibly having billions of stars separating them. We believe this may be achieved by utilizing other dimensions not held accountable to time or gravity. If the information displayed on the paintings came from a collective universal knowledge base can that knowledge depart from one carrier to another during the "click out" of a wavelength of energy. Could a particle carrying information pass it to another particle that is near Earth. Is it possible or reasonable to consider that the Absolute somehow receive the data from one particle and then passed the data to Ena through a reciprocating particle of energy or is the dimension where the Absolute resides overlapping our own dimension in such a way that a small exchange of historical data would be simple.(for the one dwelling in the infinity status) because he surrounds is all even as we type and read this... her ability to receive mentioned data from the Absolute could be (3) through a strong connection that she has developed through years of prayer and devotion and , or in addition to the act of creation has been know to stimulate brain activity and strengthen the passageways in which information is exchanged within the brain. The act of (4) creation has also been known to distract the Right Hemisphere of the mind which could possibly allow information to pass through and access the Left side. This is where positive reinforcement has helped people change harmful behaviors when suggested during a creative process. It could be possible that the ability to create or manifest these images came from powers outside of her own that she was given access to because of her loyalty and she was able to receive it unknown to her and unchecked because the powers of creativity had her default "check all incoming data" safety switch distracted.  


Still another notable possibility is found within the Earth's own vibration. We can hear all of the planets vibrating different sounds unique to their own celestial bodies. Are these vibrations literally scoring the fabric of space/time like a rake would score the sand, creating a direct pathway directly from where ever the sound wave of the vibrations have reached... and then recorded within these vibrational channels is the history of the universe. As the vibration sound waves pass by a distant planet it gets that planet's vibrational information which could be it's complete historical record of events and Earth being such a massive and powerful energy source takes no time to get the data back here to Earth which is then passed on to anything or anyone that knows how to access it... even by accident?


Simplified Theory - The figures we call "entities" in Ena's paintings I propose are real or were real at some point. Although the exact process is not completely understood there are similarities between how we know the universe stores event data in stationary energy when it collides with moving energy. The data then either moves to or reproduces itself from the moving energy to the stationary Energy. The event of the collision can be accesses in the form of a Hologram by using a highly focuses beam of light. In our Artist's case there was a similar event that happened when the moving paint struck the still canvas therefore transferring or reproducing the data from the moving to the still like it did in the previous  example of the pebbles and water. Is it possible for the Universe, the Cosmos, The Living World, Mother Nature, GOD or whatever your understanding of the unseen powers that govern all things to insert information or imprint data or manifest events onto or into something that seems so small in the scope of all things... one person's artwork?



Please leave comments below that are consistent with this topic. Please be respectful to others when responding. Thank you!


Adding to our collection of the unknown... this one slipped by on 1st review but after noticing it was looking a little blurry we gave it a 2nd look. Then we we noticed some similar characteristics that it shared with "the Gateway" (a painting we mirrored to get the final outcome) so we mirrored the original "Gathering of Angels" painting to get this "Caught in the Reflection"

This has been stated dozens of times on this site but I will state again... the images, faces etc. were not drawn in by the Artist. She poured the paint an in this painting etched a bunch of Plus Symbols into the painting. I can't really wrap my head around this one... there are so many different "entities" the structure itself has so many possibilities (keep in mind the original  painting is the Right half of this Image... the left half is mirrored to the right side) 

one thing I did notice... there is an image in this painting that I found in another. 

new examples

As if the "Southern Guard" is not a spectacle on it's own we have found a creature in the Southern Guard that share it's face with the "Caught in the Reflection"

I know it's not the best image but in the circle is the face found in both paintings... just ignore that he is in the mouth of whatever that thing is that is eating him.

Don't know how I noticed that tiny face in the painting but I did and I recognized him.

gathering cropped .png

The Living Art Gallery


Art Inspired by Emotion

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