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Mission Statement

Part 1 The Living Art Gallery



  • operate a functioning and enjoyable website without hidden fees, scams or pressure sales of any kind

  • Offer something that other Art Galleries do not offer

  • Discuss how certain unknown elements have became part of our gallery

  • Celebrate diversity and promote an underlying acceptance and understanding to all members


The Living Art Gallery is a collection of one woman's artwork. She would be just as happy giving each piece away if it would truly make someone happy. She loves saying things like "if you are doing what you are suppose to be doing money will chase after you. It should not be the other way around" 


As I got involved in this project a clear question arose from my viewpoint. We have a painter that creates this wonderful art and then a source unknown to me add an exclamation point ono at the end. This has taken me on a journey so far within myself that I really have no idea what I will do with the answer if ever found. Fortunately studying the Human mind and condition is a key element in this search for answers which also ties us into our second part perfectly.


Our mission with the Living Art Gallery is to get people to see the possibilities and not just the colors. To get people comfortable with the idea that they may have a different experience than I do, they may reach a different conclusion than I do and that is just fine. We want to help people accept things they don't understand and have the freedom to understand something perfectly and choose not to accept it. We want you to read about the Artist, see her work and walk a way a little better off than when you came. We have a mission to promote love and acceptance, to understand we are all different yet know how to find some kind of common ground to stand on and appreciate each other

Part 2  The Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant Box (the CCPA box)



  • Educate our core group on the fundamental operations of the Human mind in relationship with a number of specific conditions that are associated with mental health 

  • Identify what the normal avenue of assistance (if any) for people suffering from the mental health issues are. Identify which are healthy options and which are not

  • Develop a self help system that can be implemented by the individual suffering from the mental health issues (or close family member/ friend) that can not be mistaken as a replacement for professional medical advise and treatment

  • Keep focus on personal assessments, responsibility for ones own body and behaviors that arise from it

  • develop a criteria for best use practices

  • provide the necessary documentation, physical and digital to help people understand how the CCPA can help them 

  • create testimonials, uplifting and encouraging content that users of the CCPA box has access to

  • Cross-reference the concepts of creating a favorable window of opportunity through the creative process to recondition the mind , the concept  of using specific colors  to stimulate or sooth the user (based on the specific box they had received) Cross-reference with 3 separate fields, Doctor of Medicine, Psychiatrist and Sociologist 

  • Supply everyone that uses the CCPA box with a surveys, questionnaires and what ever post use materials needed to preform and ongoing evaluation of the CCPA box's effectiveness. 

  • Develop best shipping practices, best branding available, process of getting the correct documentation from our office to the fulfillment center and then to the customer within 24 hours in many cases!



The Covenant Creative Personal Assistant Box will contain either 2 or 3 canvases, Acrylic Paint in the perfect assortment of colors, a set of new brushes, disposable  Gloves, Acrylic paint conditioner, popsicle sticks disposable cups and either a foil pan or a cloth floor covering to keep everything clean.

A set of "how to pour paint" instructions, a set of "when to paint" instructions (introduction with1st set and updated versions for subscribers) and links to specialized tutorials about painting, uplifting stories and other fact and opinion based content  with a focal point on mental health issues and ways identify possible problems and potential solutions within each type of mental health issue we have addressed with the CCPA box.



"To help a person help themselves by changing their own mind"

There are many ways that "I, we, you" deal with our problems. Some of our problems are minor and others effect every part of our lives and everyone close to us. It is our perspective that mental health should be a priority for everyone to take upon themselves an honest assessment of where they stand in scope of society interactions, family interactions and personal thoughts and behaviors.

We are not doctors and do not try to diagnose anyone or claim we can fix their problems. We do think we can help people by helping them achieve a few very important goals that many of us (with or without mental health issues) overlook. We go to doctors so they can fix us directly. We want to help people help themselves through a better understanding of how their own interactions with daily life, our own self image and our own level of accountability can greatly improve the way we handle our approach to our own mental health. Mental health is a diverse and complicated subject that has effected so many people. We are not implying that the system we have developed can help everyone fix their mind but...

our mission is to help someone change their mind. We try to encourage taking little steps to create a good experience at key moments in their day when they would normally have a bad experience. We believe that the act of changing your own mind is a powerful tool that can be learned and used over and over again. We believe that the act of creation is a powerful tool as well  therefor as part of our mission we encourage people to paint (create) instead of doing "the behavior in which the individual has identified as a problem" 

by offering people the Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant box and all that comes with it.

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