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What IS Living Art?
What IS Living Art?

This may be the most common question we are asked.


As I was pondering on the most appropriate response to this question I faced a number of potentially complex ramifications that was, at least at first, disabling a simple truth to rise up and take center stage. The truth is that the term Living Art came directly from how many perceive the Bible, calling it the Living Word  or Living Bible. For those who are unfamiliar with this concept I think I can explain it in a non influential way. 


       I have read some great books written ages ago and surviving the test of time. Homer's Iliad and The Odyssey come to mind almost immediately. I was completely immersed into these two masterpieces. Yet they are different than the Bible is for one major reason. When I read the Homer books the more I read the more I understood the storyline, the relationships between Humans and the Gods. 


     When I read the Bible (ok I do much more listening than reading) I am immersed into the actual story but there is this whisper that seems to be talking to the inner me. I start directing , rationalizing and internally debating the validity of what I am reading or listening to. What I have found is that if I go back to the last few chapters that I had read and briefly revisit it... when the little whisper begins once again I often find myself having a much different experience than the last time. I did not take me long to realize that my state of mind influenced how I perceived the information I was getting from the Bible and on other occasions my state of mind was completely reset almost at an unconscious level. Another interesting tidbit I should mention is that most of my life I was as much of a disbeliever as one could be. This book was written in such an awesome manner that while I was looking for flaws and inconsistencies in the stories... and I was good at finding them, it was somehow communicating with me, connecting my body, my mind and my spirit with everyone around me. 


       In an effort not to go on a 10 page tangent about this I will finish by saying that I don't care if the 10 most influential people on Earth  got together and wrote a book with the intentions of moving people in the same way that the Living Bible can do I would guess they would present another Homer type or another Epic of Gilgamesh type of story. I feel as if there is something more going on with the Bible... possibly written through man's hand instead of by man's hand. 


     Ena works hard an her craft. She has put the time into this, done research, faced the critics... plenty of them out there. She has endured setbacks and faced seasons of famine when she deserved so much more... but after knowing this woman for over 20 years and witnessing this roller coaster ride of a life she has lived I can state with complete confidence that the one thing that was never taken or shaken from her is her faith. This is what has been her foundation for survival in this crazy world of ours and somewhere within this faith of hers, within this constant communion she seems to have there is a side effect (in the absence of a better term)  that comes to the surface when she is creating her artwork.


      As she paints she becomes disconnected from her surroundings. It's a highly evolved focus that does not present itself anywhere else. The end result is almost unimaginable. What you will see in the folds and swirls of paint was not plotted, planned and drawn out... they just appear. I've counted 30 clearly defined beings (animals, heavenly entities, demonic creatures, bipedal creatures of great diversity and then the faces... so many faces) in a small 6" x 10" painting and that was in about 5 minutes time. She produces artwork that is so complex that the only way that I can describe how she does it would be to say that she is "connected" and because of this her art has a way to connect with people and show different people different things hidden in plain sight. Each time I really look at one of her Living Art pieces I see things a little differently, feel differently and walk away with a fulfilment that, at least in my personal experience has only been reached after really absorbing some of the Living Word from the Holy Bible. I am far from a Bible thumper and would still consider myself a newcomer with the the whole concept but there seems to be more to the book than pages and words and I have come to the conclusion that it is just one of many examples of how we really don't have a full grasp of how the universe really works... or even how our own brain works outside of our conscious thinking process... but I do love the availability of discovery this collection of art offers.


I hope you can enjoy some of her gifts like I have. I hope you find a piece of Living Art that fills your heart so much that you turn around and pour that love into someone else and they too find some peace or contentment, joy or you simply make them smile or laugh with you.

The Absence of GOD

The Absence of GOD

actual pic.jpg
The Nebula Exodus

The Nebula EXODUS

The Faces of HADES

The Faces of HADES

Faces of Hades The Living Art Gallery

This piece was completed on January 4th, 2021. Before she began to paint she was engaged in a discussion that lasted for hours debating on the possibility of a Multiverse verses the String Theory. She was looking for some answers about how planets move around their respective stars in a few different situations. One notable question was if it was possible for a planet to orbit in between a Binary Star system and if one does would it have two sunsets. 


The Debate continued to the probability of life on other planets that is intelligent enough for space travel. She loves debates... loves learning about the unknown. All of this must have been resonating within her as she prepared for what was to come.


She came in from her studio and seemed disappointed. She said it had got to cold for the paintings to come out right. The flow of the paint was not normal and she had added more paint to compensate until she ran out of paint She blew through a straw trying to get the paint to run in the directions she had planned and then resorted to using a popsicle stick and finally her fingers.

She was creating two paintings at one time. One was planned to be her vision of the String Theory and the other a colorful Nebula. She mentioned that she would have to get more paint and try again in the morning.

The next morning she awoke and her Husband and his brother were already up and in her studio. As she walked in her Brother in Law left and on the way out said "I don't know what it is but you have got it baby"


Her Husband didn't say a word as he hugged her and then made way for her to see what had become of her two mistakes. 


The String Theory attempt became "the Faces of Hades"

The Nebula Attempt became "The Absence of GOD"

The Nebula Exodus came to us the next time she attempted to paint these miraculous birthplaces of the stars.


We have found *hundreds of faces, full bodies, Angels, demons, animals, creatures of this word and beyond  all in this one painting named "the Faces of Hades" 

*literally over 200 "entities"

In "the Absence of GOD" we stood the painting up in from of a white PC screen and because of how thin the paint was in certain areas it created even more emphasis in key areas.

Faces of Hades The Living Art Gallery
Faces of Hades The Living Art Gallery


























Faces of Hades The Living Art Gallery

Can you see all of the Faces of Hades? We numbered the 1st 24 we found but there are many others

When you flip the painting 180 degrees you get a new set of faces to look at

As we filter through these bland colors we can actually see more than in full color at times

Since this page has been created we have many other examples of "entities" within the paintings. I copied all of these examples from the "NEW in 2021 Page 3" collection so I wouldn't spend a whole searching for my favorites. This means there are MANY more

Clear Dimensions
The Collection
The Bunny and Friends.jpg
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