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Here in this Disclaimer is we will cover 3 main areas. 1st is our relationship with our guests, rules. 2nd service and product use  3rd is The Living Gallery disclaimer please note that links to other pages can be listed on the page in two ways. Either LINKS or LINKS (also LINKS or LINKS)  


part one


The "Site" refers to "The Living Art Gallery" along with any parental or subordinate companies, affiliates, websites and blogs along with any associated social media pages, advertising and/or direct messaging or emails. 

"You" refers to the reader, site visitor, site member but does not necessarily men you as in "your name=you" but is used in a more common 3rd person. For example when reading "the was made to make you feel better.." You is not the reader, it implies you as being the person using the product or service being described.


The Site is intended to be viewed by people over the age of 13 and of a sound mind. Displaying acts of hate, racism,  discrimination, sexism or using language which is know to be offensive or talking about disturbing subject matter as if promoting the subject matter or behavior (such as murder, rape, child abuse, animal cruelty, promoting hardcore drug use) is prohibited. Simple signs of racism or discrimination often start with "All black people are..." or "All white people are..." or "All women are..." our chat rooms are watching for these types of comments. Hating someone for their race, sex, age, sexual preference, religion, political affiliation is unacceptable on this site. Threats coming from or promoting illegal organized gangs or terroristic groups  are automatically reported to


The artwork displayed in this website may provoke extreme feelings about the artwork itself, the Artist, any related organizations, associations or affiliates... we allow comments both good and bad, like and dislike but we expect the comments to remain in good taste so we promote the site to people as young as 13 without worrying about the visitor comment sections. 

We have the exclusive right to ban guests from any chat room, any page or the entire site if we deem necessary. 

The Artist of this site is a female. We have a zero tolerance policy for sexually explicit comments directed to her either on a site chatroom or comment section or in an email or direct message sent directly to her.


Our site allows two types of visitors. Guests are anyone that is unregistered with the site. They will have access to all of the public pages of the site  and will be able to comment on many areas (some areas are restricted to our next type of visitor) Site Members have either signed up for a membership and have agreed to receive a once a month update newsletter or someone that has made a purchase on the site. They will have access to our public pages and our "members Only" section of the site.

Any personal information we collect on the site will be used for future correspondence with that individual. We do not sell any personal information to 3rd party sources. If we add to our site and this involves adding another partner, company, affiliate we will send all of our members a simple email asking them to choose to allow the new party to use their information in the exact same manner that we do or decide not to allow this.


This site is to be considered "as is"


We do not guarantee 24 hour a day, 365 days a year access to our site. This is our goal but not a guarantee. 

The information supplied on this site is for entertainment or educational uses only. The articles, official comments and / or associated text for a painting are all comments of an opinion from either the Artist or site developer or Webmaster. Although the comments may be truth to the person making the comment we would like all comments to be considered opinion, just for the sake of liability. 

There is information on this site containing data from years of research, trial and error and real life experiences. This may line up with you and your life and you may be compelled to make changes in your life because of the feelings you get after experiencing content on this site. We love it when that happens... but we can not guarantee that all visitors or members will have the same experiences. We are committed to maintaining accurate and up to date information on our site. If you see something that is mislabeled, misinterpreted, confusing, offensive (or just wrong.. an example you see a picture of the Sun and the comment reads "Look at this cute kitten" you can send us a message.) Please include the web address in your message and your email if you want an update. click CONTACT US and we should get the information within 1 business day.


Part 2   intent of use


There are 2 different driving forces within the "site"  The first a product developed by the non-profit organization  "AreYouReadyForItARTbyENA" called the "Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant" box (aka "CCPA Box") These are sets of art supplies that allow the purchaser to create their own artwork. The CCPA Box  currently has 9 versions. Each version features different colors unique to that box that is designed to help the individual cope with one of the 9 mental health issues (hence the 9 versions) The are also 2 sets of instructions within the CCPA box. They are described as "directions for "how" to use the box and "when" to use it. The How instructions are simple step by step instructions on how to use the paint, how to keep it safe. The second set or the When is a little more complex. It is a tool that can be used to help build a healthy set of rules when encountering what we call a trigger situation. The When set of instructions are also simple instructions but may take a complex set of actions to follow the instructions./ (for example in the "Anger" CCPA box one of the directions is to "find your trigger.. not what makes you angry but what compels you to Act on the angry feeling"  We understand that "finding your trigger" is very easy for some and for others it would take therapy and possible a miracle to get to the cause of his anger or his trigger. 

This being said, we sell these products after literally years of research and product development We know your (meaning the person using the product) approach to the project, how much you believe in the work you are doing as well as the visual stimulation from the colors encourage a very strong possibility for favorable results. We try to prepare everyone that intends on using the CCPA box in their time of need with this powerful concept. "You will be creating with the poured art, during the creation process we can add or create rules for your mind to learn and follow" We have numerous angles that we try to get people to replace the "bad" events  caused by their mental condition or living environment with some "good" which is the creation of the paintings along with uplifting messages and similar content that people that purchase the CCPA boxes will have access to. What  people that purchase our CCPA boxes are looking to achieve vary so much... but they generally include. 


  • not having to think or dwell on an event or situation close to them

  • finding a few minutes of peace and quiet in their day

  • removing an unwanted energy from within them and putting it on the painting

  • buying some time to calm down

  • Allowing some time to think more clearly about an important decision

  • Making time to pray while they create

The Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant Box was created to help get someone through a moment of struggle. It was created by someone that did not learn how to get a better handle on her own mental health until she was ... no longer in her 20s (that got scary for a minute) The creator of the boxes wants so badly for someone to invest emotionally in this system and instead of staying in bed all day they get up and paint and maybe even listen to one of the messages supplied with the CCPA box and hear something that they connect with and it starts them down a new road, o positive new road. Everyone involved with this project and this site would Love that but... we can not guarantee that you will have the same results. We can not guarantee that the CCPA box will improve your mental health, long or short term, improve your mood, make you feel better, make you smarted, think more clearly, allow you access God or The Gods depending on your possible belief structure, it won't teach you how to paint, make you paint better. Now the Artist featured in this website has experienced every one of those things listed above while painting over the years but there is no guarantee that you will experience even 1 of them. 


Furthermore we will try to teach people how to cope with their mental health or living environment issues but we are not certified Phycologists, Physiatrists, Professors, Teachers that would give us the credentials to support that we in fact know what we are doing.

We are not doctors, we do not give medical advise nor are we responsible for an individual that has purchased one of our products. The information on this site and within any products or services that can be reached on this site , purchased from this site or reach from a link on this site should never be considered legal or medical advice or instruction. The information is for entertainment and / or educational purposes. If you or someone you know is suffering from any one of the mental conditions listed on this site calling your doctor should be your first choice. We want to help as many people as possible but we understand that when you become invested in helping someone the process of getting the information to help may impede on your normal thought process and the result could be to misjudge a situation and the information provided could end up leading to an unwanted result... in other words it could do more harm than good. We do not want this for anyone so please consult with a doctor.  Please remember this site has tools and content that is designed to help people but it is in the area of mental health therefore results will vary based on the individual, results are not guaranteed or even implied to be guaranteed. All information on this Site should be considered an opinion and should be used for educational and / or educational purposes only. Please use all information and/ or any products at your own risk. 


We will guarantee that the items within the CCPA box will be consistent with product description on this site. We will refund  the purchase price if returned to us in a condition that allows us to repackage at least 75% of the contents. If the paint is opened then the entire container is no longer available to sell so be mindful of that if wanting to return.  We can not refund items that are not returned to us. We can not refund any product because it failed to promote the desired feelings that would be consistent with the category under which it was marketed. This was mentioned as a condition to be qualified to purchase this item.


Closing statement- This product, the  Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant box was developed, marketed and sold as a tool to help an individual cope with their mental or environmental instabilities by providing a structured, creative activity to do instead of acting, feeling or behaving in an undesirable way. The paint supplied is specifically chosen with colors that our research has indicated could be helpful(colors are based on nine different areas of potential problems so there are 9 color configurations) Additional content is supplied both in the package sent to the purchaser's address and found online using access codes provide in the CCPA box. This content is intended to be used  along with the art set within the CCPA box and is intended to help the individual reteach themselves how to regain some control of themselves through positive reinforcement of words, thoughts and emotions. By understanding how the mind works and how the laws of the natural world work, the laws of Vibration and attraction to mention a few.. We really think that this product will help many people but we also know that it will not help everyone. Based on this reasoning  it would be irresponsible to stake a claim of "we guarantee this works" 

We hope you LOVE this product! But... we are not doctors nor are we certified in any part of the medical field. We talk about the brain a lot but are not brain surgeons or certified in any of the psychology based fields. All 9 of the mental conditions we have listed on our site should be treated by a doctor. Our products or services should not be used instead of a doctor's services. 

All Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant boxes are sold as is with no promise of future shipments. Please use contents at your own risk. If you have a medical emergency before, during or after using our products or services please call 911 immediately.

You as used in disclaimer

part 3   The Living Art Gallery


The living Art Gallery is a collection of Acrylic Poured Paint pieces, hand drawn sketches, Oil Painting and some a combination of all 3, created by the Artist known as Ena. We guarantee that each piece of art that we present in a collection was in fact painted by this Artist. There is a page on this site that features her Son's artwork that he has given to her over the years. It is not for sale but because of the profound impact these pieces of art has had in shaping everything that we do today we though it was appropriate to display… and it's awesome.


We try to maintain the highest quality digital representations of her original work within the Living Art Gallery. We are constantly reassessing the quality of the digital pictures and may periodically replace a listed digital copy of the original with what we consider a better version. Most of the paintings in the Living Art Gallery are available to purchase in several different forms. Most of the originals are not available to purchase to the general public.  Private offers can be sent through this link SEND AN OFFER be sure to include the name and a copy of the webpage that it is located on. More information on buying original art will be available when and if she decides to allow those sales to the public.


There is an exception to the ownership of art statement. The section of the website called "The Consignment Shop" is a collection of artwork supplied by participating site members. We have a separate disclaimer for those who participate in the Consignment Shop giving a set of guidelines for them to maintain thus allowing ownership and responsibility for their content to remain within their control. As an acting parental site we are responsible for removing any and all illegal content as soon as we are aware of it's presence on the site. As stated in the Consignment Shop's disclaimer any legal ramifications that arise from their content should clearly expose a breach in their agreement to the Living Art Gallery. There is no intent for the Living Art Gallery to allow content on our site that is illegal. However, their breach of contract between their page and the Living Art Gallery does not mandate that the Living Art Gallery takes legal action against that page owner. It does not mandate the we do or do not cooperate with inquires regarding their content and will or will not inform the owners of any page within the Consignment Shop that their content is under investigation unless we are presented with a court order to do so that is signed by a judge.


All artwork is owned by the original Artist (with the exception of the Consignment Shop as described above) and used in this site with her explicit permission. The digital pictures or the original paintings found on this site is considered intellectual property and is protected under the Copyright Act of 1976. The Copyright Act prevents the unauthorized copying of a work of authorship. This is a federal statute in the United States of America. 

Any reproduction of the original paintings or digital copies is strictly prohibited. We reserve all rights on this site which include the original paintings, Digital copies of the originals, logos, product or service descriptions. Reproduction of the Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant box, it's physical content which includes all instructional guides, logos, branding along with the unique concept in which the product was created for is strictly prohibited. Purchase of any item on this site gives the purchaser the right to own that item. It does not give the purchaser the right to resell, duplicate and sell or use the product in a way that would diminish the market value of the product. This website is armed with code to either prevent unauthorized reproduction of our intellectual property or to report all known data about where the reproduction is located, when it was reproduced and by whom. 

It is our experience that most people just want a picture and mean no harm by taking an unauthorized copy. They will not resell the image or start a hater club against the site using the stolen photo as the catalyst of their disgruntled behavior. We do not want to impose legal ramifications on anyone... period. If you would like to use a digital copy of one of our paintings we ask that you support our gallery and purchase one. If you can not contact us and we will see what kind of terms we can come up with. If you are going to use the copied photo or photos as part of an educational video on you tube (or any other platform) please keep in mind that this fall under the "fair use" of copyright protected content and in the legal terminology for "fair use" a part of the works can be reproduced if used in an educational manner like a video. Most likely the digital copy will be of the entire painting which constitutes the whole work.


***To protect our intellectual property and to assist as well as protect the individual that wants a copy of an item on our site we have a system in place that will allow you to receive a free copy of some of our work. We do have a few restrictions as well. If you would like a free copy of one of our paintings please send us a copy of the page URL and the title of the painting. Click the "FAIR USE COPY" link and simply fill out the form and send it to us. We ask that you understand that we reserve the right to send duplicate digital versions of our intellectual property for any reason. This being said we also have the right to allow anyone to use our content without cost without the act of allowing this act to be considered an act of favoritism due to race, sex, age, religion or national heritage. We ask that if we are using a painting in an ad campaign it is to be considered a limited addition and not available for a free copy until the ad campaign is over. We also ask that none of our intellectual property be used in a manner that would harm our owners, employees or the Living Art Gallery entity itself from physical, emotional or other punitive damages or use in a manner that would depreciate the the overall value of the Living Art Gallery or it's owners/ employees by creating distrust between the gallery and members / visitors/ potential visitors. In the Fair Use Copy link you will be asked to send us a link to whatever it is that you have decided to create with our intellectual property. There will be a time restriction in regards to how long you have to publish your work and how long after publication we expect to get a link. By using a free copy of our intellectual property you give up the right to monetize whatever work you decide to publish without our express written consent​. Following all of the requests within the Fair Use Copy link within the timeframes required will help you acquire that consent from us. Please note that there may be additional requirements to obtain expressed written consent for monetization. The requirements may change without notice. We reserve the right to terminate consent at any time for any reason.    (please note- these are legal precautionary terms. We want to help in any way we can so don't get discouraged and not ask us for something that you would really like to have. Please Contact Us with any questions or comments you have. Thank You!) 

"love and compassion feels the same regardless of your age, race,  sex, religion or political views. Part of life is to learn how to love without conditions. Achieving this seems impossible but it would improve every aspect of your life and everyone's lives around you."                                   
                                                -Ena  2020

There are claims that are made on this site as to how the painting was created. On most of the paintings description page the method is listed. The validity of the methods will be questioned by someone... we are sure of this. To explain the process of creating an Acrylic Poured painting has this undeniable characteristic of mystery associated with it. If this is not the case for all Acrylic painters  we are deeply sorry for your losses. In this collection people will find.. I will estimate 30 or 40 paintings that were created with the pouring method only. This means that there was not another part of the finished painting drawn on top of the dried poured paint and then painted on with a number of possible freehand techniques. They were just poured (this also includes the tipping of the piece of art to manipulate where the colors will run to, possibly blowing on the painting through a straw, manipulating thicker paint with her fingers and/ or a wooden stir stick is also encompassed in the pour process. Once the paint is poured she may place on her spin table and spin in a circle for a while. This is one of her styles of pouring at this point she will let dry for 12-48 hours. A second method is to use an additive in some or multiple colors that she is going to pour into the paint. Once the paint is on the canvas she will use one of about 6 different types of blow torches on the paint with the additive in it which causes the painting to take on a different form. Her 3rd and 4th method both involve adding another layer to original piece but neither one of the last two methods should cause questions and potential issues. The 1st method however, the just the paint pour and adjust the paint as described above does have that potential... this is why...


I have seen a similar phenomena somewhere else and it was just as breathtaking , almost as unbelievable as the first time I took a magnifying glass to "the Faces of Hades" This similarity came from pictures supplied from NASA of the surrounding Nebula that the Hubble Space Telescope had captured.  As I looked into those massive clouds in deep space,  image after image came to me. It was so profound that I was not able to convince myself that it was real. It took weeks of asking questions in reddit and catching youtubers in live podcasts and getting involved in their live chats before I finally gave in and told myself... "wow those are real clouds of gas in space and I can see faces, animals, creatures like dinosaurs other beings like Angels and demons were also visible within the massive clouds of gas . An even higher level of interesting events were developing because every time I would study the pictures I would find something new within the clouds in space. It was as if the clouds were alive and displaying a visual account of that part of the universe.


The same phenomena was taking place on the paintings that Ena was creating. Many had ten or twelve mysterious figures hidden within the poured paint's rhythm and flow of colors but then there were the extreme paintings that we much, much different. In the "Faces of Hades" painting the only time a paint brush was used is when Ena signed her name on the painting. That was it. During the creation of a you tube short film that focused on two of Ena's paintings the "Faces of Hades" along with another amazing piece called "History of Inhabitance" over 200 individual figures that were called "entities" were located within the painting., The details of these entities are so well defined and some of the entities are found so deep within the painting that it is hardly visible with the naked eye. We have found sets of images on the 6th environment on the Hades painting and in this 6th environment we found  a horizon where water meets the  sky. which would be the start of the 7th environment or 7th layer within the painting where images that seem to relate to one another exist. The conflict that we are sure will come in one form or another is when a visitor closely inspects a painting like the two mentioned here, they see the details of what we are calling the "entities" and then look into the \description of the painting and read that the painting was created by the poured technique only and no brush was used on the painting.. Like the distinct images or entities I had seen in the Nasa pictures of the distant Nebula these paintings are covered up with hidden images, one layered on top of another.  What can end up being even more profound is that the manifestation of these "entities" have been identified on many other pieces throughout the Living Art Gallery collections. At this point we are assuming that these "entities" are duplicated throughout all of her work that just the pouring technique was implemented. 


We have discussed this amongst ourselves, reached out to other Acrylic Pour Artists asking for insight on their experiences with this phenomena we have even collected drawings and other data on all of the ancient inhabitance of Earth that the Humans living in those times would have considered them to be Gods, Angels, Fallen Angels, Demi Gods, Demons, monsters, aliens and have found many freaky similarities that are under further investigation.

"True Humility is NOT thinking less of Yourself...

It's thinking of Yourself Less"


C.S. Lewis

We will disclose the Artist that created the artwork is a devoted Christian.  Part of her creation process is to listen to praise and worship songs, uplifting and heartwarming songs that she had discovered years prior. She has been known to talk to the paint and if she is talking in a language that is not recognizable to your ears or mine, she is talking to God or Praying  to God. She believes that part of her creative power comes from the Creator Himself. It is stored within her body like everything else she will ever need while she exists on the Earth. Ena has been on an awakening of her mind... one that has captivated her and those around her. She has made a compelling connection between the existence of Heaven and the existence of a number of dimensions that we are not able to see or even comprehend most of the time. The connection between all living things here on Earth as if we are all (including the planet itself) vibrating energy that our complex bodies using all of it's lower senses and higher faculties constantly translates for us, transforming pure energy that makes up all things into what we know to be us, the Humans and the Earth along with everything that resides within Earth's boundaries. She understands how powerful our thoughts and words are and firmly believes we have the power to create just about anything if we invest the time and emotional energy to it. 

 I mention all of this because visitors or members of our site may be exposed to a belief structure that they do not understand or may understand and not agree with. This site was not created to push an extreme set of principals or views and lifestyles onto someone else. I was not intended to be a stage set to transform the guests of the site into Christians or to force the New Age concept of the Natural Laws (for example the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction to name just a few)onto unsuspecting visitors.  We respect those that seek out a higher power and try to make a connection with this power to improve their quality of life. We respect those who choose not to believe as well. These are personal choices and as long as that choice does not require you to actively hurt another person we feel no reason to exclude or discourage you from being part of our community.  We welcome guests to the Site regardless of Race, Religion, Sex or Age. We ask that our guests try to maintain the same level of respect for other guests and the Site's management team. If site content contains Names or explanations that are offensive to you please email us and inform us of what is offensive and why along with the URL of the page where the content is located.  


Click on CONTACT US or REPORT ABUSE and in the pop up window complete all of the information that is asked for to the best of your knowledge and the submit it to us. We can not guarantee the type of action that we decide to take will be consistent with what you think should be done but we do guarantee that we will look into every email that we receive containing concerns about our content. 


It is not our intent to create names for the Art on this site and infringe on someone's protected intellectual property.

If you feel as if your intellectual property has been used on our site please contact us as soon as possible.


We are not promoting one religion over another because we decided to name the Painting with a Norse God's name (just as an example) It is not our intent to glorify one religion over another. We welcome all respectful interactions on our page chatlines and because so many paintings have spiritual implications we expect comments about one's faith, religion or cultural practices. We would encourage our guests and members to discuss what they feel is important to them with us or each other. This being said our site is not designed as a platform for our guests and members to log in and spend their time promoting their belief system. We believe we all have our own belief system in place and they will vary a good bit from person to person. Celebrating the diversity among us all is a healthy way to keep things positive in the site's chat areas. The same concept should be applied to political views (in the USA there are very strong views on both sides of our predominantly 2 party system. I am sure other countries share this same passion for their country's political system) Please refrain from prejudice comments in the chat area. Being proud of your country and the framework your government and citizens live under is great, insulting another guest because they do not live under the same structure can be very hurtful and we want happy not hurt. Please be advised that we can restrict anyone whether a site member or guest from using the chat areas. This can happen at our discretion for an hour, a day or permanently. We reserve the right to execute bans within our site for any reason or concern.


We consider the use of any interactive function as a privileged function. Abusing the chat areas by making harassing comments, rude comments, inappropriate comments to the opposite sex, threats, bullying (there are more but inappropriate covers them) can get you banned from the chat areas. This web host has built in safety protocol within their chat boxes. If we see a problem those protocols will be turned to the active status. We have the right to activate any safety measure without warning and have the right to change the safety measures without notification. Every country is different when it comes to what is allowed to be said in an open chatroom but making threats to others will not be tolerated. If the safety protocol is online then the comment may get flagged and reported to the appropriate authorities. Comments like "I will kill you" or "all Americans deserve to die" or " in my country they would cut your hand off" are all considered threats and some are considered a level higher than a threat called a terroristic threat. Don't make threats. No one wins when there are threats being made and authorities becoming notified. Remember promote love and happiness not hate. There are REPORT ABUSE links on every page that has a chat room. We hope we never get a single report but if we do our policy is to do what is morally acceptable and legally appropriate.


We reserve the right to remove any comments from any part of the site. If the same comment has to be removed multiple times we will treat the guest or site member as someone that is harassing the site members, guests or the site management team.


We understand  how a disclaimer can be discouraging but we believe that the safety precautions within this disclaimer will rarely need to be implemented. We have faith in the integrity of our guests and truly appreciate each and every one of those people who visit our site and consider themselves part of our community! Thank You!

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