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Click on any of the paintings to view it on it's own page
Most of our artwork takes a special kind of person to really dig in deep enough to actually see the story that the paintings tell.
Do you have what it takes to leave the real world behind for a moment and dive in?
The Order of the Phoenix
Holy Ceremony
Illusions From a Higher Dimension
Cosmic Virus
Running the Gauntlet
A Helping Hand
a branch off the Yggdrasil
Collapse of Reality
Cloned Reproduction
Cloned Reproduction (cropped)
Chased by a Dragon
Fire Sprites
Reflection of the Heart
Holding it Together During a Split
Capturing the Moment
EPIC Ritual
Biting Off More Than You Can Chew
Under Water Origins
A Shift of Power
Poseidon's Domain
Hellfire and the The Seven Electors
We now have PAGE 3 of our 2021 collection! Check it out!
Welcome to Living Art Gallery's ARTbyENA store
You should find every painting with about 25 different products to print them on
New in 2021 store2
Links to other pages- Art Collections- The Cosmos, Heaven and Hell, Creation, Culture, Psychedelic, New in 2021, AreYouReadyForARTbyENA, The Consignment Shop, Covenant Creativity Personal Assistant Box, About the Artist, The Editors Theory, Mission Statement, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Subscriptions and Memberships, The Subconscious Mind, Our Mind vs Our Mind, Do we know what we think or just think we know, Contact Us, Report Abuse
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