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The Wheel of Fortune

Sometimes there are forces at work that are beyond your control... sometimes beyond your comprehension

The Wheel of Fortune

Something big is coming. Change can be hard but with the Wheel showing good fortune is with this change. Keep in mind that life is a series of cycles. The Wheel of Fortune represents the cycles of life as well.

Change is still coming but you may have a hard time with this change. This does not necessarily mean something negative is on the way. Not all changes in life feel good even if it is a needed one. Look around you. Are you the only one putting out effort? Have you been supporting others for too long? Have you been depending on others for things you can provide for yourself? It is time to do what is right for you before your options become limited.

The Rose
Shadow Card

One of four paintings, each of which create their own unique version of this painting the Rose. The Rose, The Crest, The Shield, and The Mask were used as ancient artifacts in the Sci-Fi Fantasy series "The Human Destiny" and are shown in the digital version of "Volume Three Moment of Clarity"

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